Monday, 3 October 2011

Media Prelim Storyboard ( pictures missing as they where drawn on) by Steven Muddiman and Laurence Brown

1)       Close up of actors feet walking up the first flight of stairs.
2)       Shot looking down on actor walking up the second flight of stairs.

1)       Close up of actor reaching for his pocket at top of stairs.
2)       Shot of actor walking through the primary door.
1)       Actor walks through second door.
2)       Close up of door closing.
1)       Actor enters room and there is a close up of a dying person on the floor.
2)       Stagger shot flicks backwards away from dying actor to add dramatic tension.
1)       Actor talks to other dying actor on the floor and shouts “who did this to you!” ( over shoulder view from dying actor)
2)       Dying actor replies with “behind you” (over the shoulder view from other actor) and points at the third actor who is the murderer.
1) Primary actor turns around draws his gun and shoots the murderer in the head ( close up of finger on the trigger ) as soon as the trigger is pulled it ends with a cut to black ( gun sound effect needed).

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