Wednesday, 18 January 2012


We thought it would be best to both approach out final thriller pitch by each creating our own idea and concept of what we personally would like to have seen included in our thriller. By individually creating an idea from scratch it allowed us to clearly present our idea in detail and then compare, contrast and most importantly understand what we each wanted the thriller be. This is exactly what we did and for good reason, we were able to see clearly what each other wanted to be included within our piece. After hearing both ideas we picked out what we liked and disliked and from that were able to combine the best from both, which eventually built up to create our final thriller pitch. 
My idea focused mainly on the effects of drug abuse. I decided this would make for a good thriller as I could use typical thriller conventions such as flash backs and black outs to help create the atmosphere and build up tension and suspense, effectively killing two birds with one stone.  A simple idea that could incorporate a wide variety of shot types and angles very easily and most importantly effectively. Lorry’s idea was more typical to the thriller genre using common conventions such as a dark, shady killer, cold dark surroundings and victim casually going about his day unaware of the terror about to unfold. Although the idea was simple, he had included some very unique and clever ideas and after a ten minute discussion we decided to go with the main plot of my idea with the addition of different points of suspense creating moments in his. Doing this allowed  us to create our final thriller pitch and both be satisfied with the end result evenly contributing to the piece... smart thinking as any issues we may have had could have proved disastrous on the set filming days.
It is because of this we were able to come up with a clever and effective plot that we hoped would keep our target audience engaged.

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