On a whole our media production represents a very wide-spread social group which is the younger generation of today. Throughout the years many of the younger generation have experimented with drugs which is why I believe this film will have a large audience intrigued by this film.
But our characters are also portrayed to represent specific social groups. The character I played (the drug dealer) is portrayed as a criminal, troubled-male teenager. The camera shots show this character pulling suspicious faces to enhance this.
The other two Characters where portrayed to be fairly normal teenagers who have picked up a ‘friend’ who is involved with drugs. These characters are effectively portrayed as the victims of peer pressure. The camera shots show close ups of worreid faces on these characters to further emphasise the fact that they do not want to proceed.
The setting did not perticually represent any specific social group apart from maybe that of a fisherman, these youths are just out on a day out fishing for fun and would not be considerd as 'fishermen'.
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